3 Science-Backed Ways to Become a Better Decision Maker

Good decision-makers are okay with bad outcomes.

Rafael Eliassen
Mind Cafe


You make around 35,000 decisions every day. Most of them are unconscious and habitual. Yet, every decision you make, big or small, stands to alter the trajectory of your life. Big decisions like those relating to your career or relationships, and small decisions like what to eat or when to sleep, all add up.

Where you will be one year from now can be predicted by what you do today. Right now, your life is full of random problems because you have made decisions based on random thoughts and emotions.

I used to make decisions that were short-sighted and spontaneous. All that resulted in me being an overweight 18-year old, who dropped out of college to work as a janitor. However, I turned it all around when I realized that I had a say in the decisions I make.

Decision making is a skill that can be learned. With the right tools, you can train yourself to make better decisions until it becomes a habit. It can be as automatic as driving a car or playing an instrument. Though, you will have to make plenty of mistakes to get there.

1. You Have to Change Your Identity



Rafael Eliassen
Mind Cafe

700+ Clients logged. Personal and Business Consultant. I write for people who want to grow in business and life. Reach @ eRafael.com