3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Self-Awareness

How to connect with yourself through walking, writing and meditation.

Marta Brzosko
Mind Cafe


The New Year is upon us — and so are the resolutions we’ve made. Maybe you also committed to pushing the threshold of “impossible” this year. You took on a challenge that’s supposed to turn you into a better, happier and more fulfilled version of yourself.

While this resolution-based approach may work for tangible goals connected to your career or fitness — I’m not sure whether it’s equally useful for developing self-awareness. I feel like the latter should be more of an exploration than work. That’s because you can’t plan the course of getting to know yourself.

Building a business or following an exercise routine is a much more predictable and linear endeavour. That’s where you can set goals and break them down into milestones and habits. It’s fairly straightforward to measure your progress and hold yourself accountable.

But with self-awareness, it’s a bit different. You can’t plan the path you’ll be walking because you can’t know what lies ahead. If something is beyond your current level of awareness, you can’t perceive it by definition.

That’s why it’s important to look at self-awareness as an open-ended discovery, rather than a goal. In my…

