3 Simple Ways To Make People Smile — And Why These Moments of Truth Matter

A little creativity in your day can make a big difference.

Ash Jurberg
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readMay 18, 2021


Source: WikiCommons

“I’m positively delightful.”

The barista broke out into a big smile. “I hadn't heard that reply before; I’ll have to use that one myself in the future,” he said as he prepared my morning caffeine goodness. It was the first time I had been to this cafe, so he wasn’t prepared for my unusual answer.

Every day we get asked, “How are you?” numerous times, and I am willing to bet my morning cappuccino that 99% of the time, you either say “good” or “not bad.

It is often a throwaway line with a stock standard answer. No thought at all given. But it doesn't have to be.

Giving the person a slightly different response and replying with a bit of enthusiasm and a smile can help improve someone's day. A small moment in time could lead to a big impact.

It impacted me — though it wasn't my intended outcome, the barista gave me a free muffin. “Just for making me smile on this busy morning.” And he had a smile on his face as he worked through the morning coffee rush.

It is that easy to make a difference.

1. A creative reply

