3 Ways That Problems Cascade Out of Control and What You Can Do About It

How to tackle the cascade effect of minor problems.

Anita Durairaj
Mind Cafe


Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

A top 50 survey of ‘first world problems’ by Business Insider lists the biggest ‘first world problem’ as a runny nose. Second place on the list was getting a call from an unknown number. In third place, it was being left on hold in the middle of a call.

We can all agree that these problems are minor and that is why they are all considered to be ‘first world problems’. They also don’t impact our lives in any deep or meaningful way. At least, that’s what most of us may think. However, there are times when minor problems do get out of hand. How does this happen? One way is through the cascade effect.

The “cascade effect” refers to a process that, once initiated, continues to lead to a chain of events that snowball and cannot be easily stopped until the case concludes. — Courtenay R. Bruce et al.

In almost all cases, the cascade effect is characterized by a sequence of events. First, it always starts off as a minor problem or incident. Second, the minor problem or incident keeps occurring repeatedly. Finally, the repeated negative…

