30 Little Things That Make Life Worth Living

Find grandness even in the smallest of events.

Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe


Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels

Lots of us wish our lives were better, grander, more exciting. We wish we could afford hotels with views of clear blue water or live in the types of homes we find on Pinterest. Sometimes our lives don’t feel like enough.

But there’s beauty in so much more than we typically realize. You can find grandness even in the smallest of events, adventure even if you’re stuck at home, and love in the most unlikely places. Life’s better when you romanticize it.

Here are thirty things that make life worth living, no matter what it looks like.

  1. A sunset unlike any other. It happened just yesterday. The sun was setting, but it wasn’t shining like usual. It was a perfect yellow-orange ball you could stare at without hurting your eyes in a dark blue-orange sky. But that’s the beauty about sunsets: they’re never the same. Sometimes they’re purple and sometimes they’re pink, but it’s always worth watching.
  2. A good song. Not just any song — something that makes you bop your head a little, but those songs. The ones that make flowers bloom in your chest, songs you involuntarily start dancing to, songs with melodies that make your soul soar, songs that fill every inch of your body with light.



Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.