4 Hidden Philosophical Gems To Live By

#3 The homeless dog philosopher of Ancient Greece and his lessons on freedom.

Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe


Philosophy is like a cushion that you can always fall back on when life slaps you in the face.

After going through some emotionally tough times myself in the last few weeks, I’ve had to really test my philosophy. It’s easy to dismiss philosophy when life is all good, but when you get down in the dumps and don't have that cushion to fall back on, it isn't fun.

That’s why we should all cultivate some type of philosophical meaning in our lives, even if it’s just in the background. Because I promise you, when you are battling life’s demons, you will be begging to grip on to anything that can smooth out the ride. Philosophy does exactly that.

When we learn about different schools of thought from throughout history, we are extracting lessons that can enrich our lives. These lessons can shift your outlook on independence, materialism, pleasure, and meaning.

Transcendentalism: Nature and Self-Reliance

Henry David Thoreau’s cabin illustration in his book: “Walden, Life In The Woods”. Sourced from Wikimedia commons



Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe

Harnessing the skill of writing and storytelling to change my life. Join me on my journey of making life more purposeful https://theintrovertedthinker.carrd.co/