4 Low Key Signs Of A Person’s True Character

And why it’s important to know who they are.

Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe


Pexels via Tima Miroshnichenko

You should learn to read people.

Not to be a judgemental jerk. But to know what you are working with. It can help you choose the right people to be in your life. It will save you time, money, heartache, and more.

The origins of hit pop

A shocking number of famous pop songs are low-key written by Swedish producers. Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Backstreet Boys, and many more, have Swedish names listed in their credits.

It stems from Sweden’s strong musical tradition and the Law of Jante — which is the cultural value of not bragging and remaining humble.

Consequently, Swedish producers are fine with staying behind the camera and letting stars have the shine. Their lack of ego has allowed them to take over a seemingly impenetrable industry.

And it all began with humility.

We should think deeply about our bragging and need for validation. Bragging can cost us friendships, careers, and business opportunities. It can also make us downright loathsome.

One sure sign

What often gets lost in war is the devastating impact on wildlife. During the first and…



Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe

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