4 Mighty Buddha Quotes That Proves You’re Braver Than You Think

You attract the *right* things once you explore your mental realms.

Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe


Photo by Rebecca Zaal on Pexels

Buddhism started 2500 years ago.

Siddhartha Gautama was the first of his kind, “the founder of Buddhism.” Living in a rich castle in Lumbini (modern-day Nepal), Buddha had access to everything ranging from top silk robes to fresh spices.

The Buddha had a blessed life, so he devoted himself to learning about the suffering of others.

As per originalbuddhas.com, Buddha was the first person to reach enlightenment. He sat under a bodhi tree, away from the worldly realm, to attain answers for the troubles happening in this gruesome world.

Coming to Marcus Aurelius and Buddha’s history, you’ll realize unique qualities in both the characters.

  • Brave
  • Innocent
  • Logical/rational

Problems are for ordinary people. The real leaders step up and place a chair on top of the issues, so they get a bird’s eye view of everything going on.

These leaders think “one step up.” For that, bravery and a peaceful mind are required.



Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe

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