4 Negative Thought Patterns Making You Age Faster, According to Psychologists

And how to avoid them.

Laura Bosch
Mind Cafe


Photo: Yan Krukov | Pexels

Telomeres. They’re the key players in the aging process; essential parts of your cells’ DNA that determine how quickly your cells age. They’re the biological equivalent of a hairdresser who chops off more than you bargained for, leaving you wishing you could go back to the good old days when you actually looked like yourself.

And it turns out, that without realizing it, you might be giving these annoying microscopic culprits a hand; granting them permission to go ‘chop-chop-chop’. Here’s how I found out.

As I often do, I lost my Mom in the grocery store. I paced along the checkouts looking right to check the aisles when I caught a glimpse of an arm of her bright red jacket. She was unhelpfully stood at the end of one of the aisles, along the narrow bit where I could barely see her.

As I walked down the aisle, I signaled to confirm I found the tofu. But she stopped me in my tracks. Her eyes wide open, as if to shout ‘stop’, she held out her hand implying I stay away.

My immediate assumption of course was, she must be being held at gunpoint. I pictured the armed robbery scene in Four Brothers and thought, this is the closest I’ll ever be to Mark Wahlberg.



Laura Bosch
Mind Cafe

Candid stories and actionable insights about work and life to help you navigate adulthood and embrace a life in limbo. https://lauraibosch.com/