4 Powerful Principles That Can Reshape How You Think About Life

#2 Turn your problems upside down.

Brian Pennie, PhD
Mind Cafe


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

“We control our actions, but the consequences that flow from those actions are controlled by principles” Stephen Covey

Self-made billionaire, Ray Dalio, attributes his success to a core set of principles, which he says, “serve as the foundations for behaviour that get you what you want out of life.”

Principles, however, are not just for the ‘Ray Dalio’s’ of the world. On the 8th of October 2013, I experienced my first day clean after 15 years of heroin addiction. Since then, I’ve become a PhD student, an author with a mainstream publishing house, a radio presenter, a keynote speaker, and a lecturer at the top two universities in Ireland. So what changed? How did I go from addict to PhD and published author in the space of 6 years?

I developed a program which included a core set of principles that help me to navigate my life. They have not only helped me to recover from addiction; they have helped me to thrive, providing the foundations for the amazing life I have today.

So what are principles? Principles are fundamental truths that are permanent, unchanging, and universal in nature. If you drop something, it will fall on the ground. This is a natural law, controlled by the…



Brian Pennie, PhD
Mind Cafe

Change is possible. I write to show that | Recovered heroin addict turned doctor. www.brianpennie.com