4 Proven Techniques to Build High-Quality Habits in 2021

Here’s what you need to renew your focus and prioritize.

Christopher D. Connors
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

It’s the early part of the year and you have a million things on your mind. For most of us, we’re far too anxious about little things that aren’t urgent and could easily wait for another day.

Little, insignificant worries and problems can accumulate and catch up to us, and before we know it, we’re consumed with big worries and problems. It’s better to face these things with a clear mind and an intelligent approach to knock them out.

It’s also not a bad time to ask, how are your big goals and resolutions for 2021 working out for you? Please — don’t give up. It’s important to focus on habits to lock-in to help you maximize your productivity. These are techniques that will help you build successful habits for 2021.

These are things that I have relied on throughout the years and wanted to share with you. Enjoy.

1. Utilize Stephen Covey’s Time Quadrant Approach

Source: Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

