4 Psychological Behaviors of Guilty People

Keeping secrets makes people act weird in extremely predictable ways.

Zulie Rane
Mind Cafe


I was sixteen the first time I caught a boy two-timing me.

“You’re not like other girls. I just don’t want labels — what we have is so good and uncomplicated,” David told me sweetly during a lunch date-that-wasn’t-a-date. That same night, he bragged to his friends about how he was simultaneously going out with me and a friend of mine at the same time — secretly.

When I found out, I felt like such a fool to have been tricked. But looking back, I kind of suspected all along. There were small signs he knew he was doing something crappy. I only wished I had listened to my gut sooner.

Most guilty people are fully aware they messed up, and they show in pretty predictable ways. These four tells are common signs of guilt.

They’re Literally Hunched Over

Brains are wild. When you feel burdened with guilt, it turns out you actually feel heavier physically. Scientists found that participants who were asked to think about times they’d acted badly, they self-reported their own weight as greater than innocent participants.

In my case, David slouched. When I questioned him about his feelings for me, he…



Zulie Rane
Mind Cafe

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.