4 Social Psychological Phenomena That Have the Ultimate Power on Your Decisions

Your decision-making is tied to these concepts from social psychology.

Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe


Image by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

Human psychology is interesting. Without notice, there are many actions we take and decisions we make influenced heavily by some mysterious and hidden mechanisms inside our minds, yet we don't even bat an eye at them.

Luckily, years of psychology research reveal the inner workings of our minds and the mechanisms that influence our decision-making in the most intricate and elaborate ways.

Here are the 4 psychological phenomena that have real power on your decision making:

Framing Effect

The first way our decisions are manipulated is through the framing effect. As its name implies, the decisions we make are influenced by the way information is packaged, presented, and served to us, or which frame we’re perceiving the information from.

The framing effect works like magic, so much so that even if there are two equal options in front of you, just the way they are presented differently will change your decision on which option to choose. Let’s illuminate this with some classic examples:



Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: ideasandscribbles.substack.com