4 Unintended Consequences of Self-Improvement

In the quest to be better, we might inadvertently make our lives more difficult than they have to be.

Jennifer Osborne
Mind Cafe


Photo by Delano Ramdas on Unsplash

We change with the best intentions. We read, grow, and learn in the hope that we will wake up better tomorrow than we are today.

There is a reason that the self-improvement industry is expected to grow to more than $13 billion in 2022. It’s a booming business for coaches, bloggers, and authors alike.

Who can argue with the need to constantly improve? It’s inarguable.

But what happens when we push for too much growth? At what point does the quest for self-improvement bring about as many negatives as potential positives?

Unintended consequences are the unexpected outcomes from a decision or action. These are often unforeseen and unconsidered. Every action has a possible reaction that we do not anticipate, as Isaac Newton cleverly observed.

In a quest to be better, we might inadvertently make our lives more difficult than they have to be.

Too Much Change, Too Fast

I am guilty of being a change-aholic. I am not one of those that fear change. I run headfirst into something new without nary a thought.



Jennifer Osborne
Mind Cafe

Educational Leadership Policy Ph.D. Student ⎪Editor of Educate. medium.com/educate-pub