5 Books That Changed My Life In 2020

Texts that changed my life even in the middle of this crazy year.

Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe
Published in
13 min readDec 20, 2020


In 2020, I set a goal to read 75 books. But in March, thinking the shutdown would give me so much more time to read, I raised my goal to 80 books. Perhaps I should have left it at 75 because, in 2020, I read 72 books

Last year, I read 80 books. When I wrote about which 5 changed my life the most that year, the world wasn’t being crushed by a global pandemic, a Mr. Potato Head President, and what may become the next great depression.

But despite all that, what I wanted to read about didn’t change much. It was influenced much less by global disasters and more by basic human experiences: how to love, how to be loved, how to live well, and why we are here at all.

So, what follows is not a list of the world’s best books or the books with the most woke knowledge, but the 5 books that changed my life the most in 2020. Books not on what separates us, but on what brings us together.

Happier Now: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Embrace Everyday Moments by Nataly Kogan

“Having a sense of the greater purpose of our efforts, what I call the bigger why



Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe

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