5 Cold Hard Truths on How to Become A Highly Confident Person

Becoming highly confident isn’t about doing the same old thing everyone else does.

Christopher D. Connors
Mind Cafe


Confidence is attained when we’re prepared and self-aware enough to appreciate who we are — faults and all. Confidence is desired in all kinds of relationships, and it’s the ingredient that colors our view of ourselves, as well as how we are perceived by society. So, it is confidence that is worth cultivating and being, in order to live in each moment of the day.

What are the values that matter most to you? My values-structure is the core of my decision-making. As an author and executive coach, I focus on this with clients helping them build this foundation first.

As we continue moving forward in life, we should become more shrewd and selective with how we use our time. We can become better managers and more self-aware by using emotional intelligence to our advantage. When we do, we become more confident in who we are and have a much greater idea of what we want.

The centerpiece of most values-based structures is confidence. A major component of confidence is the value you place on yourself. Confidence is about the faith you have in your abilities, the person you are, and how you view your most important relationship — the one…

