5 Habits That Build Real Self-Confidence

Fake confidence is loud. Real confidence is silent.

Omar Itani
Mind Cafe


Photo by Suliman on Pexels.com

Everyone admires a self-confident person.

There’s something in the way they carry themselves, the manner in which they speak, and the self-assured composure in which they act that draws us to them. They draw us in. They charm us and inspire us.

Can you emulate confidence yourself?

Of course, you can.

The key lies in understanding the difference between authentic self-confidence and fake self-confidence. The former is built upon constant practice. The latter garners no foundation.

Real confidence is when you believe in yourself but are humble enough to ask for support when need be. Fake confidence is when you act arrogantly because you think you know it all and you’re better than others. True self-confidence sprouts from taking conscious action. Fake self-confidence latches onto talk.

Fake confidence is loud.

Real confidence is silent.

So why is it important to cultivate authentic self-confidence?

According to a collaborative 2004 study from Health Education Research, there is a strong relationship between self-confidence and positive mental health. Individuals…



Omar Itani
Mind Cafe

Exploring the art of slow, simple, and intentional living. I post here every day: https://www.instagram.com/omaritaniwrites/ More at: https://www.omaritani.com