5 Hard Truths About Introverts

That I learned the hard way.

Eric Sangerma
Mind Cafe


Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

Introverts need time alone to recharge, and too much social interaction leaves us exhausted and unproductive.

This isn’t a character flaw. But it’s also more than just a fun personality quirk.

If we’re not careful, our introversion can lead us down a dark path. Here’s what I learned from years of experience and a few horrible decisions.

1. Some of us get way too attached to our comfort zones.

One thing everyone knows about introverts: we love turning down invitations.

Science says we’re more likely to suffer from social anxiety than extroverts are. But even when that’s not the case, we prefer to stay at home. What could be more pleasant than curling up with a cup of coffee and a grim Russian novel?

The world isn’t kind to those who never show up. When we prioritize our comfort over everything else, we miss out on the opportunity to learn new things and exchange ideas. More importantly, we fail to meet new people and let old friendships wither away. Our social circles keep shrinking.

2. We also underestimate our social skills.



Eric Sangerma
Mind Cafe

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/