5 Hard Truths You Need to Hear About Making a Daily Schedule

The expectations, the pitfalls, and the potential.

Charlie Lukas
Mind Cafe


Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

You might think to yourself, “If I can make a razor-sharp, hyper-efficient daily schedule, my life will be accelerated to massive success in a matter of months.”

You watch videos about how the greats live out their days, and your mouth waters at the thought of what you can produce after your cold shower, your mediation, your gratitude, your coffee, and your gluten-free avocado on toast breakfast.

But then you forget to set your alarm, your dog leaves you a gift on the kitchen floor, and you realize just how hard you are starting on the wrong foot. Next thing you know, your day is over, and not much got done.

I’ve danced between these two extremes when trying to make my life more productive. Through screwing up and experimenting, I’ve discovered some harsh truths about making a daily schedule. Here’s what you need to know about making it all work without going insane:

1. You Won’t Follow Your Daily Schedule

I wanted to wake up at 6:00 AM, but I woke up at 7:15.

FUCK. It’s over. All potential is ruined. I truly am garbage. I’m going back to bed.

