5 (More) Contrarian Ways Successful People Think About Life

Important mental models from Winston Churchill to Anne Frank to Magnus Carlsen.

Vincent Carlos
Mind Cafe


Source: Getty Images

Winston Churchill. Magnus Carlsen. Jeff Bezos.

What do these three people have in common?

Yes, they’re all uber-successful, but they’re successful because they all share one thing in common: They all think differently from everyone else.

They’re contrarian thinkers. They challenge conventional wisdom and think differently from the crowd.

This is how John C. Maxwell begins his bestselling book How Successful People Think.

But here’s the thing: Contrary to popular belief, contrarian thinking isn’t an innate gift. It’s a skill you can cultivate.

With the right role models and some dedicated practice, anyone can learn to think outside the box.

Therefore, if you can change how you think, then you can change your life!

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article where I gave 5 contrarian ways successful people think about life. I really enjoyed writing that article.

So here are 5 more successful individuals who mastered thinking like a contrarian. And as a result, they changed not only their…



Vincent Carlos
Mind Cafe

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