5 Powerful Books On Zen Buddhism to Gain a New Perspective on Life

These texts are the stepping stones to a new philosophy.

Peter Burns
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

“Focus was ingrained in Jobs’s personality and had been honed by his Zen training. He relentlessly filtered out what he considered distractions.” — Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a master of focus. As a young man, he traveled to India in order to find wisdom. However, what really started his spiritual transformation is when he picked up a book.

The book that sparked his lifelong interest in Zen Buddhism is Shunryu Suzuki’s “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”. From that fateful moment, he was hooked, devouring countless Buddhist texts.

Inspired by the teachings, Jobs attended several of Suzuki’s lectures. The founder of Apple even found himself his own Zen master, Kobun Otogawa. It is this practice of Zen and meditation that is often credited as being the secret to Jobs’s ability to focus and approach things from a new perspective.

In a way, I started my own Zen journey just like Steve Jobs, by picking up a book. The first book on Zen I read was the same that blew Steve Jobs’s mind so many years ago.



Peter Burns
Mind Cafe

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).