5 Reasons You Are Still Afraid of Conflict

And 5 solutions to those problems.

Charlie Lukas
Mind Cafe


Two cranes in a conflict
Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Confrontation. Setting boundaries. Having to tell someone what you really think — I had massive trouble with these things.

I still do.

But being afraid of conflict impairs your self-respect, and cuts you off from emotional health and wellbeing.

Here’s why conflict holds you back so much, and what you need to do to address it.

Why I’m Afraid of Conflict

Here’s a bit about me. Maybe you can relate.

I do things that most people would consider “tough,” like working out a lot and practicing martial arts.

But even after all my hours of doing pull-ups and getting choked, I’m still scared to tell someone off.

Or rather, I’m scared to tell someone off that I love, or might want to connect with. I hate social tension. I hate being forced into an argument. I like cohesion, connection, laughter, getting along, and good times.

But the more I avoid conflict, the more difficult things tend to get.

It doesn’t matter how strong you are or how tough you look. It’s the vibe you put out that counts. If you show that you aren’t willing to participate in conflict…

