5 Rules That Helped Me Overcome Crippling Fear and Anxiety In My 20’s

A guide to doing the right thing for you.

Cal Axe
Mind Cafe


It’s strange how often it happens. An otherwise ambitious, talented post-graduate choosing to do what’s easy over what’s right for them.

Take this job because it pays well. Date this person because it looks good on social media. Indulge in things you hate because it’s what your friends are doing. It’s during this decade that we find courageous people afraid to tackle the most basic value: responsibility.

Fear drives our twenties. A fear difficult to describe because you’ve never faced your destiny head-on like this before. The stakes are high and it’s hard to know the right thing to do.

It helps to know you’re not alone. I’ve been there. I am there. That said, here are the five rules that helped me overcome those moments of fear and anxiety in my twenties.

1. Talk To Someone Older Than You

Talk to someone, but not just anyone. Talk to someone older than you.

You might have great friends who sympathize with your situation, but they’re likely going through the same thing and are just as clueless as you about what to do next. It takes someone who’s been there to show you the way. To…



Cal Axe
Mind Cafe

I give practical advice about leadership and mindsets | Subscribe https://yoprolibrary.substack.com and get a free eBook about how to journal.