5 Steps I’ve Taken to Become Happier in the Last 30 Days

A lot can happen when you invest in yourself for an entire month.

Chris Wojcik
Mind Cafe


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The first 7 months of 2021 took it out of me.

I competed in Jiu-Jitsu all over the country, my dad almost died from Covid, and I had really crappy ends to several great relationships. The highs, lows, and constant anxieties of the year completely drained me to the point where I was barely sleeping, constantly overworking, and my body was literally falling apart.

That’s why I’ve used the end of July and all of August as a chance for a mental reset. It’s the first time all year where I’ve had an extended period with no travel, no anxiety-inducing fights on the horizon, and no commitments to anyone or anything besides my work.

I’m addressing my future and working on everything that I’ve neglected for the past 7 months. These are the 5 steps I’ve taken to confront my fears of the future head-on, and they’ve drastically improved my happiness during the past 30 days.

My experiment has been so successful that I might even extend this “regiment” for another month.

First, I took care of my body.

I’m 24, but I feel like I’m 65.

