5 Tactics for Keeping Up Your Space

And how I prioritized maintenance.

Katie Martin
Mind Cafe


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I always considered myself a fully functional person with one exception: my living space was completely disheveled.

My struggle with home maintenance had never been a lack of energy; instead it was a lack of prioritization. I used to think maintenance was something I could take or leave, but now I know it’s foundational to a clear mind.

These days I live a reasonably organized life. And if anything, I’ve learned that that life takes constant maintenance. I will always toggle between enjoying it and keeping it up. In other words, I’ll never be “done” with mundane tasks.

That being said, here’s a few tactics I’ve employed over the years to turn tidying, organizing, and cleaning from a chore into an automatic habit.

1. The Daily Three-Punch List

Every day I make a list of three tasks to complete. It comprises of two quick items and one that may take more effort (a jab-jab-cross combination).

Two recent examples:


  • Check fridge for spoiled food
  • Organize anything in the basement for 12 minutes (including figuring out the what & how)
  • Wash and hang laundry

