5 Things You Should Know to Enjoy More Peace of Mind

1. Know when you’re getting baited into an argument.

Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe


Peace of mind isn't something you “attain;” it’s the default setting of our lives.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”


The problem is when things throughout the day — conflict, inconveniences, or even random people — cause tension and disrupt your calm.

While I still have my moments, over the years, I’ve learned a few simple things to help me maintain my peace of mind and avoid unnecessary stress and frustration. And by “knowing” these—and being able to recognize them throughout the day—you can feel less affected by negative situations and protect your mental health. Here the five best things to know:

Know when you’re getting baited into an argument

I once posted a few tips about how I quickly learned a language on Reddit. I got a lot of upvotes, but the top comment was a person who was clearly upset—they accused me of lying and resentfully asked, “What were your test scores? What was your level?”

My response? My test score wouldn’t matter because, whatever I say, it wouldn’t be enough for them. Based…



Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→ https://bit.ly/2IDx15y