5 Tiny Habits That Can Shape Your Life in Less Than 6 Months

How small choices can lead to big changes.

Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe


Photo by Levi Arnold on Unsplash

When I tapped into the world of self-improvement almost a decade ago, I developed a morning routine that took me 60–90 minutes to complete.

Every book or article I read praised the idea of starting your day strong, so I took the advice seriously.

I made my bed, journaled, worked out, read, meditated, did visualization exercises, drank water with a squeeze of lemon juice, and tried a dozen other habits until I realized my extensive morning routine was actually holding me back from achieving my goals because it was taking up so much of my time.

And that’s the problem with most advice on habits: Most useful routines take time, and if you commit to the wrong ones, you end up losing more than you gain.

What I learned over the years is that you don’t always need extensive, hour-long habits.

Sometimes, a 15-minute HIIT workout is manageable, while a 60-minute exercise class isn’t.

Sometimes, you can only read a short inspirational newsletter instead of devouring a self-help book each week.

Sometimes, a calm walk in nature is more useful than an extensive meditation retreat.



Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe

I help you create a business and life you love. ⚡ Start here: https://mwa.ck.page/5day