5 Ways Quiet People Have The Loudest Minds

The upsides and the things to improve on.

Riri Rites 🤍
Mind Cafe


Image by Marielou Lolilop from Pixabay

Sometimes the lights are off but everybody is home.

Quiet people can be thought of as slow, dumb, rude, or secretly judgmental. In reality, they’re often just busy living another life inside their minds. Although they have few words, they have plenty of thoughts.

Stephen Hawking once said, “Quiet people have the loudest minds.”

What does this mean really?

Speaking less and creating silence makes us more comfortable inside our heads. More time spent here and be for better or worse.

Quiet People

What does being quiet really mean? Who decides what’s a “normal” amount of speaking?

You might be a quiet person because of shyness, anxiety, introversion, or just as a personality trait. Learning to accept any of these reasons is a difficult thing when society doesn’t really want you to.

In many countries, like the U.S., there is a cultural bias toward extroverts. Introverts — who are quieter — are often thought lesser of. This encourages and rewards people to speak more.

As a society, we idealize loud and bold people. So when someone has traits that differ, they can be taken…



Riri Rites 🤍
Mind Cafe
Writer for

On life and love • A human failing, loving and learning • 🤍 ritesriri@gmail.com