5 Ways To Be A Better Puzzle Solver — From Crossword Puzzles To Life Itself

Without a doubt, puzzles will flip the way you think about life.

Vincent Carlos
Mind Cafe


Photo by Imran Bangash on Unsplash

In 2020, A.J. Jacobs made a fascinating choice to embrace his love for puzzles and embark on an immersive journey into the puzzle world.

Throughout this journey, Jacobs met with some of the world’s greatest puzzle solvers, creators, and collectors, all with the singular purpose of uncovering their closely guarded secrets on how to become a better puzzle solver.

And if there’s one thing Jacobs learned from doing all this, it’s this: Puzzles have the power to completely transform us into better people.

By engaging in puzzles, we can improve our cognitive abilities, unleash our creativity, foster collaboration, and nurture unwavering persistence.

Yet, Jacobs’ vision extends far beyond the realm of merely maintaining mental sharpness and warding off dementia.

Instead, he believes that puzzles have the potential to reshape our entire perspective on the world.

In fact, puzzles have the capacity to instill what Jacobs refers to as “The Puzzler Mindset” — an insatiable curiosity about everything, from politics to human relationships, and a desire to find solutions.



Vincent Carlos
Mind Cafe

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