5 Ways to Channel Authentic Respect for Others

Demonstrate to others the respect you wish to receive

Allison Cecile
Mind Cafe


Photo by Stillness InMotion on Unsplash

From Aretha Franklin’s 1967 hit song “Respect” to Emerson Eggerichs’ best-selling book Love and Respect, we care and talk a lot about respect.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, respect is defined as,

“admiration felt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities”

This isn’t necessarily a bad definition of respect, but it fails to capture why it’s fundamental to our society. It’s lacking the intangibles that we feel but perhaps cannot put into words as succinctly.

It’s fine and dandy to show admiration for someone who has good ideas and qualities — but that’s only half of the story. This definition implies that not showing this admiration would simply be a neutral thing.

Here’s an analogy to illustrate this. By the dictionary definition alone, it’s as if gaining one’s respect is the equivalent of driving through five intersections without being stopped by a red traffic light. It leaves you feeling good but isn’t something you need. And conversely, that a lack of respect is merely having to stop for red traffic lights — not necessarily the best thing…



Allison Cecile
Mind Cafe

I write so that my dog can live a spoiled life of luxury || 8X Top Writer