5 Easy Ways To Remember Everything You Learn

Here’s how to retain the information you might otherwise forget.

Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe


Photo by Erwann Letue on Unsplash

You’re forgetful.

At least, that’s what you tell yourself. Because no matter how hard you try to remember everything that you read & learn, nothing seems to work.

So whenever you find yourself wanting to learn, self-doubt lingers in your mind, as the voice in your head creates a false narrative that prevents you from succeeding.

It sucks.

Right now, I am living in quarantine. Having returned from Singapore & several other countries, I’m isolating myself as a precaution to ensure that I don’t unknowingly spread the Coronavirus to my local area.

As a result, I’ve got a lot more time in my schedule to focus on the things that matter. Because with restrictions in place preventing me from traveling outside my home, I can focus on learning new things, without worrying about distractions.

So if you want to use any extra time to learn something new & improve your existing skillset, below are a collection of ways to make it happen. Each one of these techniques has helped me to learn with extreme efficiency, and I’m sure they will do the same for you.

Create Time Each Day To Focus On…



Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe

Full-time storyteller. Want me to edit your work? I'm doing it for people who sign up to my Substack. https://mattlillywhite.substack.com/