5 Logical Fallacies That You Should Avoid

Identify the flaws in your arguments

Rabinder Kumar
Mind Cafe



Fallacies are simply common errors that can undermine the logic of your argument, and bring you down.

Fallacies can be invalid or irrelevant arguments, and they are easily spotted since they do not have any supporting evidence.

You should avoid these logical fallacies in your arguments, and point them out from the arguments of others.

Let’s dive in…

1. Galileo Gambit/Fallacy:

Logical fallacy depicts that if your ideas instigate the ‘Establishment’ to ridicule or abuse you, then you must be right.

They made fun of Galileo, and he was right. They make fun of me, therefore I am right.

2. Ad Hominem

In Ad Hominem, arguments attack a person's character rather than a person’s reasoning. People use personal attacks in arguments, it is the most common fallacy you will notice in your surrounding. (If you are doing it then you should avoid)

Why people should believe you? You are a war-mongering idiot and fascist.

3. Sentimental Appeal



Rabinder Kumar
Mind Cafe

Like a Norse God | I write about intriguing robust topics. For freelance gigs: rabinderkumarr@gmail.com