6 Irrational Fears That Are Stopping You From Creating The Life You Want

Fear paralyzes you from reaching your potential — here’s how to overcome it.

Omar Itani
Mind Cafe


Photo by Ana Paula Lima on Pexels.com

“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“Ah, but what if it does?”

Fear. The four-letter word that can paralyze you and rob you of your biggest gift in life: your potential.

Fear is what stops us in our tracks. Fear is what blinds us from the blessings of change. It’s what strangles us and strips away our power, boldness, and originality.

In his book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, bestselling author Joseph Murphy writes “fear depresses normal mental action, and renders one incapable of acting wisely, for no one can think clearly and act wisely when paralyzed by fear.” In fact, research shows that living in fear can interrupt certain processes in your brain which have serious health consequences.

Fear is absolutely normal though — everyone feels afraid — and according to Psychology Today, “the capacity to be afraid is part of normal brain function.”

The key to working with fear is to address the underlying belief behind it.

Very often, we produce irrational thoughts that are driven by our rational fear. Too…



Omar Itani
Mind Cafe

Exploring the art of slow, simple, and intentional living. I post here every day: https://www.instagram.com/omaritaniwrites/ More at: https://www.omaritani.com