6 Powerful Carl Jung Quotes To Fuel Your Day & Make You Fearless

A good quality is like a perfect cinderella shoe.

Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe


Photo by Dinielle De Veyra on Pexels

Before 1921, there were a few kinds of people:

  • Shy
  • Extremely talkative
  • An emotional person
  • A cold-hearted leaf
  • Lost in thoughts

After 1921, only three kinds of people were left.

  • Introvert
  • Extrovert
  • Ambivert= Intorvert+ extrovert.

I hear you asking: “What happened.” Let me tell you, Carl Gustav Jung happened.

Carl Jung was a swiss psychiatrist who termed the word introverts and extroverts. Carl Jung believed a person must find a balance between these two phases, later termed an ambivert.

Carl spends most of his days relating psychiatry to philosophy and religious studies.

Being much into sacred studies, Jung coined the term Collective unconsciousness: our subconscious mind carries memories of our ancestors.

Most of his work about his beliefs comes from Psychological Types, a book by Jung published in 1921.

But that’s not all he did.



Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe

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