6 Quiet Habits of the Happiest 14%

Finding the calm in the storm of life

Eve Arnold
Mind Cafe


Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Happiness is the only worthy pursuit.

There is a saying in the UK that there only two things guaranteed in life: death and taxes. It’s not wrong is it?

There is only one idea that remains, only one idea that makes sense: to be as happy as you possibly can. In 2019, Ipsos carried out a study and found that only 14% of people were very happy.

Here are the ingredients to a happy life.

1. Less is more

A philosopher named Diogenes of Sinope built the idea that ‘he has the most who is most content with the least’.

Today we see this play out in many ways, most notably with the minimalism movement.

Essentially it plays into this idea that a life lived with less ‘stuff’ leads to a happier one because in the absence of these desires you can enjoy the ‘real’ stuff in life, like relationships.

The happiest people I know desire much less than the average Joe.

2. The seduction of speed

Modern life and modern business tends to centre around speed. Convenience stores, fast food, next day delivery, all of that stuff is about not waiting.

