6 Quotes By Maya Angelou That Will Change Your Mind Forever

About life, love, and success.

Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe


Photo by Allie on Unsplash

Maya Angelou is one of America’s most beloved authors and a civil rights activist. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees, plus the country’s highest honors, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

In 2014, she died at the age of 86 and left us with numerous books, poems, and countless teachings about how to lead happier lives and be better human beings.

During her career of more than 50 years, Angelou bravely shared her struggles but also wins as a black woman in America. Through her work, she encouraged millions of people not to lose hope during hard situations.

She was a spokesperson for black people and women for decades, and her work is considered a defense of black culture.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

Too often, we want to control life and everything that happens around us. Sometimes, this approach works. Yet, most of the time, it doesn’t.

Life is a series of unexpected miracles and challenges, and we’ll never be able to cope with all of them. Yet, what we can do is embracing…



Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe

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