6 Subtle But Crucial Signs That Tell You Someone Is Trustworthy

Psychological indicators that show you they should stick around…

Saarim Aslam
Mind Cafe


Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

“Trust is like blood pressure. It’s silent, vital to good health, and if abused, it can be deadly.” — Frank Sonnenberg

Trust enables us to feel safe, provides protection and helps us build and strengthen relationships. However, when trust is abused, it’s easy for that person to try and gain power, status or authority over you. That’s why being able to read if someone is trustworthy is so important.

I have definitely been hurt by misjudging someone’s trust — it’s a horrible feeling!

However, fortunately, reading whether someone is trustworthy or not can always be developed. Here are six small but important signs that indicate whether you can trust someone or not.

1. They Don’t Share Others’ Secrets

People love to gossip or let people know they know something others don’t. It almost makes them feel special by knowing others’ secrets and then sharing them. However, when someone shares others’ secrets, it’s a big indicator of whether you can trust them or not.

The simple fact is, if they are able to share a secret about someone else, what’s to stop them from…



Saarim Aslam
Mind Cafe

Trainee Psychologist & Writer. Open for work: saarimaslamwriting@gmail.com. Join my free newsletter: psychgrowth.substack.com. Psychology and Personal Growth