6 Teachings from 4 Philosophies that Have Changed My Life

From dealing with suffering to understanding the meaning of life.

Neeramitra Reddy
Mind Cafe
Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2021


Setting my Kindle aside, I sink back into deep thought and my chair. Ever since I started exploring philosophy, I have had multiple such epiphanies. I’ve been a thinker all my life but earlier, it was of a rudimentary form, only occasional sparks and questions without answers.

What is the meaning of life?”, “Who determines what is right?”, “Are the mind and the brain the same?”, “What even does it mean to be sentient?” and the like. I am sure such questions might have popped up at some point or other in your life.

Every single question we might have ever had would have been encountered by some thinker or other down the times. And philosophy, being the sum total of the wisdom of thousands of thinkers across the centuries has helped me and can help you find answers.

Moreover, philosophy provides powerful ideas to feed the sparks and fan them into bright flames of thought. Some of these ideas ended up changing me and my life. They might change yours as well.

The Philosophy of Zeno

Founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century BC, Stoicism is popularly portrayed as a philosophy that preaches…

