5 Things To Start Normalizing In Relationships

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2021


Photo by Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels

After talking to hundreds of people about their relationships (both present and past), I’m convinced we all have no clue what we're doing.

I mean, think about it: two people coming together to figure out how to live their lives cohesively isn’t an easy endeavor. Add on top of that all the shitty relationship advice we heard growing up and see in movies.

No wonder a lot of us are struggling in silence.

Not enough people talk about the nitty-gritty of relationships, the parts that aren’t always fun, but yet every couple (and I do mean every couple) experience at one point or another. Because of that, we end up feeling confused, like failures, or worse, like no one understands.

When in reality, it’s that not enough people talk about the not-so-pretty things that happen in their relationship. And we definitely lack people educating others on what it takes to create a healthy one.

So let’s set aside the TV show romances and Instagram couples. They’ve done us enough harm already. It’s time to start normalizing certain things in relationships, starting with these:

Regularly checking in with each other.

One of my most viral videos on Tiktok was of me describing one of the reasons my boyfriend and…



Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." kirstietaylor.com/guide // IG: @kirstietaylorr //