7 Common Tasks I Cut out in Pursuit of a More Simple, Slow Life

My diary has never looked emptier (or happier)

Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe


Photo by mohammed idris djoudi on Unsplash

If you could build your perfect week, how would it look?

Would it include working 40 hours? Your kid’s friend’s party at the weekend? Endless chores? Or would you prefer something less hectic / boring / annoying?

OK, I can’t promise perfection here. We all have commitments that are impossible to flake out on, not least work.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about the pointless tasks, appointments, and busy work we’re all guilty of piling on our plates. Here’s what I’ve cut out that has made my life immeasurably more peaceful, slow, simple, and manageable.

I told crap friends where to stick it

We’ve all got them. The passive-aggressive friends that spend all night making jabs at your shortcomings in the friend department. The friend that can’t help but be mean to you under the gossamer thin guise of I’m only joking! The friends that only talk about themselves. The friends who don’t even ask you how you are (and certainly don’t care).

I could go on.

Meeting up with crap friends is soul-sucking, not to mention time-consuming. Not only do you have to…



Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at thesaucemag.substack.com