7 Little Things That Can Tell You A Lot About Someone

Potent habits that can reveal a person’s character.

Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jordan M. Lomibao on Unsplash

Without a doubt, one of the best life skills there are is the ability to gauge a person’s character and personality accurately. It’ll help you find stronger relationships and avoid a lot of pain and frustration.

Of all the many different methods, I’ve learned seven over the years that have helped me tremendously—either they were the sign that led to a long, fulfilling friendship or they were the warning before things fell apart.

Note: Please don’t use these to condemn or judge people. Everyone has bad days and our personalities can change. (If anything, we should look at our own character before evaluating others.)

Also, keep in mind each thing on its own might not say much; but together, they can reveal a lot. From there, it's up to you to decide whether you want to be friends, clients, or lovers with them—or not.

1. How they keep their commitments

They're not always big — like swearing under oath or wedding vows—but we actually make a lot of commitments in life like:

  • “I’ll let you know about the meeting by Friday.”
  • “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”



Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→ https://bit.ly/2IDx15y