7 Micro Habits That Drain Your Mental Battery — And How to Fix Them

When you can’t pinpoint the cause of your burnout, it’s probably one of these energy-sucking habits

Darshak Rana
Mind Cafe


Every Day Habits That Constantly Drain Your Mental Energy
Image via Pexels

My grandpa once told me:

“If you don’t change your (bad) habits on time, then those habits WILL change your time.”

And then asked me a simple question, “How are you feeling today?”

I had been asked this question countless times, but for some reason, that day, it suddenly struck a nerve.

I realized that I had been going through the motions of my daily routine without taking the time to check in with myself.

I was so focused on crossing items off my to-do list that I hadn’t even noticed how depleted my mental energy was. I was constantly on the go without noticing that my brain and body were fatigued.

When I started journaling, I became more aware of my daily habits. It was then I realized how much mental energy they consumed.

And once I identified these energy-draining habits, I could make some simple tweaks that helped me feel more energetic and productive throughout the day.



Darshak Rana
Mind Cafe

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit : https://shorturl.at/muJV7