7 Myths That Sabotage Your Meditation Practice

And stop you from enjoying the life-giving benefits of consistent meditation.

Colton Swabb
Mind Cafe


Difficulty meditating and the myths that sabotage meditation
Image Generated by Midjourney Edited by Colton

Pretty much everyone knows they should be meditating.

It grows your brain, heals trauma, and creates monk-like levels of focus.

Among numerous other benefits still being expounded upon.

But still, despite knowing many of the reasons why they should, most people struggle with going deep and staying consistent with their meditation practice.

Which keeps them from unlocking the lasting, life-giving benefits of meditation.

So, what’s in the way?

In my experience, there are 7 pervasive myths that most people believe about meditation, which keep meditation as this mystical, far-out, alien thing…

Instead of allowing it to be the fundamental, life-supporting, and individualized practice that it’s meant to be.

So, whether you’re a mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, or son…

Rich, poor, middle-class, busy, lazy…

Happy, sad, fulfilled, motivated, or apathetic…

If you’re a human being you should be meditating.



Colton Swabb
Mind Cafe

Entrepreneur Advisor & Wisdom lover. You can read more and get my Notion Wisdom Planner for free here: https://www.wisdomwell.co