7 Powerful Quotes From the Ancient World to Inspire Self-Improvement

Let’s take it way back.

Ben Atkinson
Mind Cafe


In spite of an exponentiating slew of technological advancements, we are at our emotional core not far removed from our ancestors in ancient times. We largely harbor the same anxieties, longings, dysfunctional relationships and deep-rooted uncertainties around our place in the world. As such, the astute observations of our forebearers are just as apt and practicable today as they were in their age.

Teachings in emotional intelligence are sadly all but absent in the modern education system. The majority of us are left to ‘feel’ our way through life and figure out the most knotty aspects of the human psyche ourselves. By making an effort to digest timeless wisdom, converting it into guidance or action, we bolster ourselves that little fraction more against the ever discombobulating chaos of life.

Socrates (c. 470–399 BC)

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

This pithy remark is also known as the ‘Socratic paradox’. It’s cited in an assortment of semantically similar forms, most commonly as “I know that I know nothing”.

Technically speaking, it’s both an interpretation and paraphrasing of Socrates’…



Ben Atkinson
Mind Cafe

Cambridge University Physics Graduate. Analyst. Writer. Logophile. Singer/Rapper.