7 Quotes From Marcus Aurelius That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

Pearls of wisdom from Rome’s greatest emperor.

Tom Stevenson
Mind Cafe


Photo by Simone Savoldi on Unsplash

The first time I learnt about Marcus Aurelius was probably the same time most people became familiar with his name — after watching Gladiator.

In the film, he is portrayed as a wise elder statesmen who knows his reign is coming to an end. Faced with the difficult choice of anointing his narcissistic and sadistic son Commodus, or the General, Maximus, as his successor, he chose the latter.

I won’t spoil the film for you if you haven’t seen it, but things don’t go according to plan.

The Marcus Aurelius that is portrayed in the film is only a glimpse into what the actual figure was like in real-life. He was considered to be the epitome of Plato’s ideal of the philosopher-king.

A leader who did not want to be a leader, but rises to the challenge regardless. The end of Marcus’ reign saw Rome at the height of its power following over 100 years of effective rule by the Five Good Emperors. His death ushered in a slow decline of the Empire and its eventual collapse.

As well as an Emperor, Marcus Aurelius was an avowed follower of the stoic branch of philosophy. Every night he would write down his thoughts into a journal for his…

