7 Things I Love About Minimalism

Minimalism saves time, saves money, and makes me a better person.

Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe
Published in
9 min readAug 21, 2020


Minimalism is a part of who I am. Born to a mother who was decidedly not a minimalist, the idea of downsizing and doing away with what I don’t need has always been something I do. I was making regular runs to donation centers long before I ever heard of the minimalist movement.

If you’re cruising the internet looking at minimalism articles wondering what it can do for your life, here’s what it did for mine:

1. Minimalism Saves Me Time

This isn’t a benefit of minimalism I see discussed as much by other people, but it’s easily my favorite thing about minimalism. When you own less and buy less, you spend less time shopping.

Shopping used to be my idea of a good time. When I was younger, me and a friend of mine would spend entire days at local malls, department stores, and discount warehouses, coming home with large bags full of lovely things we bought that day. We told ourselves we “needed” these things because people we wanted to be like on Instagram and Tumblr had them, but that was patently untrue. We just wanted them. And anyway, we had a blast getting them.



Sam Holstein
Mind Cafe

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