7 Tiny Experiments To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Practice the art of growing steadily without feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

Vishal Kataria
Mind Cafe


how to get outside your comfort zone
Photo by Billetto Editorial on Unsplash

The world is changing faster than our ability to keep up. The only ones who will survive are the ones who keep adapting to new circumstances.

Adaptability is the ability to become flexible and efficient in any situation. It’s an important meta-skill that amplifies other deep skills like learning, resilience, and decision-making.

Like your willpower, concentration, and biceps, adaptability is a muscle that gets stronger with use. An effective way to use this muscle is to step outside your comfort zone regularly.

But that sounds like a frightening idea. Even successful people feel nervous — if not terrified — while stepping outside it. It might be hard to believe, considering the amazing results they achieve. The truth is they just have a larger comfort zone, one which they’ve built with practice.

You can do the same. The best part is that don’t need to bungee-jump or do the thing that frightens you to get out of your comfort zone. You can conduct tiny experiments daily — so tiny that the stakes of failure are negligible.

The more you step outside your comfort zone, the larger it grows. It’s like driving…



Vishal Kataria
Mind Cafe

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.