7 Ways to Reinvent Your Dating Life

Fed up of the same old cycle? Try these things instead.

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Say you have a car that isn’t working. What do you do?

Continue trying to drive it, hoping it miraculously fixes itself? Or do you take it in for a fine-tuning, replace parts that need replacing, and try to upgrade it from what it was before?

Chances are, you’d choose the latter.

The same choice applies to your dating life. If you continuously date people who aren’t a good match for you or never land dates with people you genuinely like, then it might be time to reinvent your dating life.

Now you might be thinking, but, “how the hell do I do that?” Which is a great question. Most people never think to change their dating life for the better.

But I’m glad you’re not one of those people.

If you want 2022 to be the year your dating life feels a whole lot better and you potentially find a great match for you, then try out these tips:

Give someone a few dates to see if a connection grows.

The author of How Not To Die Alone, Logan Ury, has an entire chapter in her book called “F*ck the spark.” She explains how determining if someone is a good match for you…



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