7 Ways To Reduce Your Fear of Failure

It’s ok to be scared sometimes.

Amardeep Parmar
Mind Cafe


Created by the author — Original image from Pexels

I purposely didn’t use the word “overcome” in the title. I’m not going to sell you slogans to magically rid yourself of the fear of failure. It’s far easier to tell someone else to “just do it” than to live by it yourself.

I’m starting an exciting new journey but can openly admit I’m terrified of where it will take me. The toxic mix of adrenaline and cortisol pumping through my bloodstream has triggered many waves of panic. I worry I’m making a mistake and will set my life on the wrong path.

It would be easy for me to stop and go back to playing safe.

But I calm myself down, I take back power from my fears, and keep driving forward despite them. If I wasn’t afraid then there’d be no courage in what I’m choosing to do and deep down I believe in myself. We’re humans with emotions so there will always be a time where we are our own worse enemy.

I don’t have a button I can push to fix everything but I use different techniques to prevent my mind from paralyzing itself. These techniques can help you through tough times too.

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Amardeep Parmar
Mind Cafe

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆ https://antiburnout.mindfuldriven.com