8 Habits of Highly Sensitive People

#3: You have a hard time moving on.

Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe


Photo by Phil Desforges on Unsplash

80% of the population goes through life experiencing feelings and emotions at what seems to be a balanced and somewhat ordinary level. For the other 20% though, feelings aren’t that easily handled nor explained.

Have you ever wondered; why do I feel things much more intensely than others? Why am I such a deep thinker? Why am I easily overwhelmed? If so, chances are that you are very intuitive and self-aware, emotionally intelligent, extremely empathetic and passionate.

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry. That just means that you might be an HSP — Highly Sensitive Person. To put it simply, you are naturally predisposed to process and perceive information on a much deeper level than others. But if you aren’t quite sure if you fit into that category yet, here are 8 habits of Highly Sensitive People to look for in your day to day life.

1. You Usually Feel Emotionally Exhausted

Picture this: you come home after a long day at work with your colleagues or after a beach trip with your friends and you are exhausted; completely drained of energy. Not because your day was remarkably hectic or because you walked 15 miles; but because you were with people all day long.



Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe

Seasoned writer and Head of Marketing at a software firm. I have a degree in International Business and Digital Marketing. Welcome to my 2 a.m. thoughts :)